Why Don't I Have Anything To Write?
Recently, I watched a short clip of Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan's podcast discussing about people reminiscing on the past.
You might ask,
Why does our lizard brain reflect on the past?
We look at the past so we are prepared to move towards the future. To look at our mistakes, and become wiser with the future decisions we must make.
As Jordan mentions, if a form of anxiety manifests itself by the thought of the past, there's something to unpack about that particular memory.
Another reason why I don't dwell about my past break ups, past mistakes, or embarassments.
I've already comprehended and extracted the wisdom to equip myself for the future.
Writing the very articles I publish onto the internet are one of those ways to uncover the wisdom that lies in tragedy.
Then, I think, perhaps this is why I don't have much to write? Why I couldn't write for two weeks because nothing was worth writing and discovering.
What is the purpose of an essay?
You might say the purpose of this said article is to maintain attention or save the time of my readers through the communication of my lessons.
Fundamentally, an essay is meant to solve a problem. It's latin root is 'exigere' meaning to:
- Drive
- Demand
- Measure.
It's almost putting a problem in front of yourself, and demanding an answer or solution from it.
What problems have I faced/am facing at the moment?
My sleep pattern. My time on social media/using my phone. Landing a marketing job. Whether to date. Getting better at sales. Growing the personal brand. Growing my relationship with God.
(Not being able to write and missing two week's of article haha)
I think I'm quite selective of what is a problem and what is not. To create a problem is creating desire and expectation. If I have too many problems all at once, I will collapse.
Why don't I write more about marketing?
I've answered the problem to that, DO more marketing. Then, we can talk about it.
Shit, even the sleeping pattern problem is straight forward to solve. But I don't fucking do it because I'm too prideful.
I think I can get away with going to bed at 12am and waking up at 7am.
Action Leads To More Stories
I'm doing the good thing and not thinking too hard to the point where I am paralysed and unable to take action.
Or, if I did more stuff, I'd have more to talk about?
"When you're on your deathbed, you want more epic stories."
For what is failure?
To not try.
So, I suppose I have nothing worth writing about at the moment.
Lessen The Filter
In my own self, I can feel my writing is more humbling per se.
I think I want to maintain that tone. Not of the arrogance of my past self.
Admittedly, I have been mistaking humbleness for lack of polarity.
To be polarising means to stand in one direction. To be humble is to not glorify yourself for more than what you actually are.
Is it possible to have a strong opinion and still think you might be wrong?
Depending on who you ask, it's contradicting to believe your assumptions are wrong and still be firm.
It's not that you want to be right. You want the truth.
If you can always come from a position of truth-seeking, it will inevitably be polarising.
"The truth will set you free. But first ,it'll piss you off." — Pharrell Williams, Lemonade
The Solution?
Seek the Truth. Live life to its fullest. Gather stories. Share it to the rest of the world.
Maybe then will I have enough experience to write...