Should I Get A Buzz Cut?
This was me months ago:

This is my hair cut now:

Why the sudden change in hairstyle?
That is what this article is here about.
In primary school, I was very insecure about my weight and size towards grade 5 and even the start of grade 7. I had chubby cheeks on my face, and I thought it was due partly to my Asian upbringing of eating rice all the time. And my Asian mother encouraging her sons to eat a lot.
During my time in primary school, I was acutely aware of how I had to be attractive to females. I knew being chubby wasn’t attractive and it took a blow to my self-confidence, so I tried stemming my attractiveness from my long hair. I’m cringing as I write the script because I remembered looking in the mirror with my long hair, brushing it and saying, “yeah, girls will like this.” It’s so fucked. I wished my parents were like, nope, get the clippers and did a buzz cut.
The long hair gave me security, so I kept it for the longest time. I see it with other men who try and rationalise; I rationalised it with myself at one point that long hair looks good on a man. No, it doesn’t. Don’t bullshit yourself; get a haircut. If your mates are telling you to get one, and other girls are, just do it.
Kris from 1ST MAN uploaded a video, ”Every Man Should Shave His Head Young.” I’ll have it linked below.
It’s a good watch, and it’s the same video I watched minutes before I did the buzz cut.
What he said in the video gave me the approval to follow through with the cut. Kris would explain that most men derive their attraction from hair; without it, they were nothing. He gave the example of Harry Styles and Jack Harlow: if they had shaved their heads, they were no longer attractive looks wise.
And as he explains, shaving your hair is an experiment to reveal the flaws that the hair was hiding this whole time. It motivates your self-improvement journey if you’re getting criticisms about how shit you look. If you do, maybe it’s time to head to the gym, start eating healthily, start having a grooming routine, and develop a personality. The list can go on. Most of the criticisms you will get will originate from your lacking in an area of life you have not put any focus on.
Luckily, I mostly got compliments about the looks and comments about looking like a monk; or “when did you get enlisted”. Nonetheless, I respect Kris from 1ST Man enough to put aside my ego and just trust his words.
My words probably have not given enough justice, so I encourage watching his video.
Should You?
If you’re thinking of getting a buzz, just get a 1mm all around. But if you’re hesitant- don’t worry- the hair will grow back in two weeks anyway. See this as a learning experience, and, if you like it, keep it, I say.
And if you are still trying to cling to your hair, ask yourself how much money you would be saving if you bought a hair shaver and did your own haircut? I still reckon you got to do a buzz cut at least once. If you look shit, so be it. The whole point is to expose yourself. The world is useful for testing ideas. And as men, we grow from discomfort, and shaving your hair won’t kill you.
As for me, doing this buzz cut was a leap of faith. If I, even, shaved a bit of hair, I had to do the rest or else it looked fucked. And looking at the result, I reckon I look even better without the hair than I did without it. I look tidier, and now there’s more maturity when coming to terms with my hair and how insignificant it is compared to being fit, successful and being a man.
So, if you asked me why I got a haircut:
I listened to someone I looked up to; said fuck it, and the rest is history.
For the video version of this article, check out my YouTube Channel.