More Men Should Be On Self-Improvement

In the modern age, men are more feminine than ever. Western culture moving away from its Judeo-Christian roots, rejection of biology has resulted in the boy crisis. As more single parent families become prominent, the absence of a strong masculine role model, society has to take the toll.

Cultural collapse seems more real than any time before

Where should we start? How do we start?

Start with yourself; start with the individuals; start now.

What Would We Teach Them?

There are generally a couple of habits that will set up yourself to be the best version of yourself. The major ones are sleep, exercise, meditation, reading and journaling.


This is the bedrock for any good life. It is the stone base you will build your house upon. Without it, you will not have sufficient energy to carry out the day's tasks. You will be less attentive with your daily activities, constantly hearing the calling of your bed and the resting of your eyes.

There is a time for work, and a time for rest. Without sufficient rest, one's ability to work will diminish. And there is work to be done. If you think falling asleep is tough, ask did you deserve it? If you had a full days work, should it not be easy to doze off into slumber?

Blue light has been the enemy during our modern times. The screens in distract us from the rest we need. Without it, we are walking zombies fatigued by the inadequate hours of sleep only to then having to do a full day's work.

If you're not getting enough sleep, prioritise it above anything else.


What man does not want a body that looked like it was sculpted by a Greek sculptor? Even Socrates a famous ancient Greek philosopher would quote,

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

It leads back to the idea of potential; answering the question of what are we capable of? And the work to put into the body should not be seen as trivial. Discipline and hard work is required for a man to reach their peak.

And the body of a man and the body of a boy is a day and night difference. You will be respected more for what sacrifices you had taken to create the body you have. Your presence will be unmatched with the confidence gained by working out.


The art of being mindful and feeling the stillness. Rarely do we get the chance to carve a piece of time out of our day to do nothing. There's always something that needs to be done.

A man must be able to be at peace. Reflect upon his own life and death. Be present in the moment. He must also have control over his own mind; separating himself from his thoughts. For he is not his thoughts, he is an observer to them.

An app I'd recommend is Medito. It's free, and can take you through guided meditations so you don't feel like you have no idea how to meditate.


Knowledge must originate somewhere, and it usually takes the form of others' experience.

If there was a skill, a question or insight, they can all be found in books. Take what knowledge you want from it, learning from others is what will make ourselves better. We learn from their mistakes, their stories, their triumphs for us to apply it to our own life.

Educate yourself with the available library of knowledge accumulated throughout the history of man.


Rarely does one remember their own thoughts. They come and go and we are unconscious of their contents.

Reflection is another powerful tool we have. The mind is a problem solving machine. Given we do not have any problems, it will conjure and create ones for itself.

Although it may seem masculine to write about your feelings, it's not. How can a man fully express himself if he rejects his true nature? But it still does not create the excuse to consciously choose to be weak.

Your thoughts may provide powerful insight to what action must be taken.

Journaling and writing can also help sharpen the sword of communication. If you can correctly articulate reality and the Truth, you are unstoppable. A problem articulated properly, it's solution can also be properly articulated as well.


Call me sexist, but there is something more powerful than a strong brotherhood. Knowing that within a circle of men that are loyal to each other and demand the best out of each other.

Usually within the brotherhood, there is a sense of competition amongst each other. Competition is a potent motivator for a man. Without that urge or heightened sense to be better than someone, we are less likely going to want to improve.

There is also the argument of only comparing yourself. Sure, but competition amongst others can be a great motivator. If you surround yourself with men who are proactively looking to better themselves, what are the chances you become one of those men yourself in order to beat them? Competition means being better than your opponents, and reaping the rewards of being the better man.

And it doesn't have to be a zero-sum game. Someone does need to lose in order for someone to win. As brothers, aim to win together.

The Importance Of Men On Self-Improvement

We need men on self-improvement, or at least, being the best version of themselves.

How many meditate? How many exercise? How many read books?

How many actively improve themselves?

Examine the culture we are surrounded by. What are we telling our young boys of today? How many are sure of their purpose?

Now, it is not quite clear what we should aim as a purpose. Before the Age of Enlightenment, religion acted as the main source of purpose a human can derive their values from.

It might be even too much to ask of an articulated purpose without a fully developed identity. But it is not an excuse not to try and look for one in the first place.

Then again, purpose is created, not discovered. That is the ultimate aim of life. We are left with a blank slate for us to carve. A life devoid of meaning, meaningless, only for us to bestow that burden of responsibility that is creating purpose.

We live in culture now where feelings are valued more than objective fact.

Fuck your feelings.

Look at all the men throughout history. The men who set foot to discover a new world. The men who conquered nations. The men in the trenches of The First World War who had to defend the ones they loved back home.

Do you think they were scared? Living and breathing the fear that was ever so present? Of course they were. In spite of it, they chose to act. And that's what seems to be a common trait amongst the masculine. They are men of action, acknowledging their feelings, but choosing what ultimately must be done.

This is the definition of bravery. We have lost the desire to be brave in sacrificing the present for the future.

The Ultimate Role Of Man

It is being a good father. To love our partner. To raise children who are ready for more years to come.

Planting a seed that we will not see grow, but only after our deaths will it sprout.

What comes with that role is responsibility. The responsibility to provide for our families and be a strong masculine role model for our partners and children. I will be the one to raise my hand and reject the Atheist's view of life: reproduce then die.

We have no purpose, we must create it. And most men will find this to be their ultimate purpose:

Raising and being the leader of the next generation of humans.