How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Small Business

Here's 3 steps how I'd choose a social media platform as a small business.

Step #1: Which Platform Provides ME The Most Value?

Think of all the social media platforms you have used. Which one did you get the most value out of: whether for entertainment or education?

Familiarity with a platform will help how you package your content.

For example, if you love watching Instagram reels, you probably know how to make reels engaging.

Step #2: Which Platform Are My Customers Using?

When I started with a new client, I asked which platform their customers were using.

They said Instagram. People would look them up, go on their page and DM them about their services.

So, I recommended focussing their efforts more on Instagram being the main channel for content, promotions and customer interactions.

If you already have social media pages, think of the one that gets the most engagement and customer interactions.

No customers? That's okay. Think of your customer avatar and where'd they hang out online.

Step #3: Choose One

When you're starting out, stick to one platform.

Master it. Then expand.