Everything Will Work: Matter Of Choice And Time

Everything Will Work: Matter Of Choice And Time
Photo by Nalau Nobel / Unsplash

After two years of flipping and flopping business models, I'm sticking to ONE.

From YouTuber, to drop shipper, to online community, now to freelancing.

Here's how WHAT you choose doesn't matter.

What matters more is your ability to STICK with the opportunity.

Advice From A Millionaire

There was a guy from my town who's a drop shipper.

I got the chance to ask some advice. It was quite simple.

"Choose one thing. Stick to it. And full send it."

Everything Looks Like An Opportunity

For the young guys reading this, we've always thought about doing a drop shipping store.

Even myself.

As a marketer, I've had thoughts about starting my own store and practising my marketing through there. However, learning product would be another skill I'd have to spend bandwidth learning.

And I'm not saying drop shipping is a bad opportunity. No opportunity is a bad opportunity, as long as you're willing to pay the time and money to commit to it.

Chances of success increases proportionally to the time you stick to an opportunity.

If you stuck to drop shipping for 10 years, rather than opening and closing stores all the time, would you succeed?

If I Could Start Over

I can beat myself up and say I wasted two years out of high school not having landed a digital marketing role. I won't. But here's what I'd say to my younger self to:

  • You're a freelance digital marketer, not an agency
  • Learn video editing in Premiere Pro
  • Make YouTube content once per week
  • Upload YouTube shorts more frequently to attract an audience
  • Reach out to businesses and people you know if they know anyone

I suppose I can't be harsh on myself.

It's like the story of the bamboo. It will spend most its years in the ground. Only for it to shoot up. It was growing. But there was nothing to show for it.