Am I An Introvert Or Extrovert?

I'd like to begin this article with a tweet by Chris Williamson from the Modern Wisdom podcast.

With the amount of personality tests I've done, I'm always borderline 45% introvert 55% extrovert.

I think I'm quite fortunate that I surround myself with friends that I can be myself with.

To some extent, school might give you a false sense of introversion. If you're class are made up of peers you do not have the desire to interact with, you are in an environment that is less likely to compel yourself to extraverted tendencies.

Extroversion would be closer to the physic's term of superposition. Heard of Schrodinger's Cat? That if a poison vile was broken in a box, that cat inside same said box would be in a superposition between dead and alive until it is observed.

Depending on context, situation, environment, you will be compelled by one end of the spectrum to the other.